I got this from hookah-shisha.com.
Cut: Medium choppy cut some smaller leaves in the bag. A ridiculous amount of juice. I’d say like 30%+ of the whole bag is juice alone.
Packaging: Here is a photo of the packaging. Am I the only one getting sick of these bags? Such a hassle.
Set Up: Regal Melech using an 80ft bowl. with a Kaloud Lotus using 3 Haze coals. No pack to see here sorry guys.
Smell: Smells like an orange creamsicle. The smell was surprisingly light. Not the usual for Fumari.
Taste: Tastes like orange cream. The cream is kind of on the heavy side. Orange tastes like these orange slice hard candies.
Smoke: It’s like I’m inhaling from a fog machine.
Buzz: There will be a light buzz if any at all.
Longevity: You’ll probably be looking an hour tops. The downside to Fumari is how fast the flavor dies out.
Price:You can get this for $9.49 on www.hookah-shisha.com.
Overall: A bit too much cream for me and not enough orange. A recommendation from me would be to steer clear from this flavor and try something like Haze Orange Swirl instead.