Trifecta Cucumber Mojito

Hi everyone this is thelonesloth with another review, today on Trifecta Cucumber Mojito. Trifecta has come up with yet another interesting flavor that blends cucumber and mojito. Let’s see how it does on the chopping block!
I packed this semidense right below the rim because it brings out the cucumber and lime aspects of this flavor while minimalizing the mint. I feel after a few trial and error sessions the flavor pops the most with this pack. With 3 coconut coals and a Kaloud Lotus this should last me roughly an hour while only using 15 grams. There is little to no buzz when smoking this tobacco.
This photo was taken 5 minutes after the bowl started and the clouds were really coming in nicely. I am still smoking the bowl currently and as the bowl progresses the lime and mint dulls out. Not completely but cucumber becomes the star of the show for about the last 20 minutes of the bowl. Transitions quite nicely if I do say so myself.

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