Regal Hookah is a company based in California. They’ve been making pipes since 2009. They were one of the very first to create a hookah pipe with a modern design that didn’t compromise on quality. In the past...
Category - Hookahs
Avion is a company based in Russia. One of their first hookahs that became quite popular across the globe was the Avion Stick R. This is a mini version of that pipe. We’ll be going over the in’s and out’s of...
The B2 Reaper is a small table top hookah made by B2. B2 is an US company based in California. At only 11 inches (27.94 cm) tall with the base this pipe is meant to satisfy those who are looking for a pipe they can use on their...
Hello there! Today I have my first picture review on a pipe! I wanted to start of by saying this hookah was really shiny when I got it but I obviously haven’t done the best job of keeping it at its cleanest/shiniest so...
Hello! Today I am going to be reviewing the Marajah Mumbai hookah from Brazil. It’s a very small stem that is great for travels and to put it quite frankly it hits like a truck. This hookah breaks down into a lot of...